School of biophotonics

The annual School of Biophotonics for doctoral students with the different backgrounds (biophysics, biochemistry, biology) is held traditionally at the end of May at the Faculty of Sciences of P. J. Safarik University in Kosice. It is organized in collaboration with the Department of Biophysics ( and the Center for Interdisciplinary Biosciences (, P. J. Safarik University, Kosice.

The main goal of the School is to improve theoretical and practical knowledge of doctoral students in the advanced methods of biophotonics. The school is arranged in the set of lectures on the recent advances in the biophotonic research given by the domestic and internationally recognized experts. These specific lectures are supplemented with the practical training of the respective experimental techniques. Moreover, the interdisciplinary teams, 3–4 students, work on the related research projects. At the end, these projects have a public defense and the best project will be awarded at the closing ceremony. All students receive the Certificate of the Attendance (8 ECTS credits).

The School provides opportunity for students to learn about the progress in biophotonic research, to improve the experimental skills and to find new professional and personal contacts and likely to develop the collaboration on the future projects.